Unveiling Gen Z’s auto ambitions: disrupt or be left in the dust.

May 28, 2024

In the fast lane of today’s automotive world, decoding Gen Z’s aspirations isn’t just crucial—it’s make or break for brands striving to stay relevant. Forget the stereotypes; this generation isn’t waving goodbye to car culture; they’re ready to redefine it.

Our latest report is your GPS to understanding what drives Gen Z’s car dreams and how brands can rev up their strategies accordingly.

Rev up your strategy: follow this roadmap ahead

  1. Luxury in the driver’s seat: Gen Z isn’t hitting the brakes on car ownership; they’re fueling the desire for luxury wheels. Dive into our report to discover how they’re redefining personal luxury, especially in hotspots like China.
  2. Innovation overdrive: From electric power to autonomous features, Gen Z is embracing the future of automotive tech. But comfort remains king. Learn how to merge innovation with comfort for a winning ride.
  3. Global gear shift: From city streets to countryside roads, Gen Z’s love affair with cars is universal. Explore how their tastes vary globally and why brands must tailor their approach to each region.

Nailing the Gen Z drive: here’s how to accelerate your brand’s success

  1. Platform overdrive: Want to catch Gen Z’s eye? Speed onto platforms like TikTok, Twitch, and YouTube. Tune your messaging to their frequency for maximum impact.
  2. Beyond eco: While green is in, Gen Z wants more than just sustainability. Unveil the tech prowess and performance of your vehicles to fuel their interest.
  3. Keep the thrill alive: Despite automation, emphasize the adrenaline rush and freedom of driving. It’s the soul of the experience that matters.

Partner with Foresight Factory to see further

Ready to crack the code on Gen Z’s automotive desires and steer your brand to victory? Connect with us to access our comprehensive report.


Written by Content Team

The Content Team produces all the reports and articles that get published on our dynamic consumer trends intelligence platform, Collision. By tracking trends, monitoring signals of change across sectors and audiences, and working alongside our data team to digest and analyse our proprietary consumer research, they help leading global brands strengthen strategic relevance and gain a competitive edge.

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